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  • Freefly Systems MōVI XL
  • Freefly Systems MōVI XL Click to zoom

The MōVI XL put innovative camera movement with large camera/lens packages within the reach of individual camera professionals.

It brings the camera movement and stabilization capabilities of the popular new MōVI Pro to the most sophisticated camera/lens packages, up to 50lbs.

It features a quick-release mechanism (with a simple slide & clamp action) to attach the gimbal to a vehicle/crane and numerous larger the pop and lock points, allowing users to mount accessories easily.

You can also purchase this product at PhotoCineShop.

It features:

- 50lb (22kg) max payload
- Full F/I/Z integration
- Compatible with MIMIC, MoVI Controller
- High performance GPS
- Custom direct drive brushless motors with high resolution encoders
- Hollow shaft motors for easy wire routing
- Compatible with Freefly API
- Complete control over a RED cameras via RED RCP
- Dual battery option for completely wireless operation - no shore power (3 hours of run-time)


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